Magicswap Protocol

A decentralized trading protocol with universal token compatibility

Universal Token Compatibility

Support pools for both ERC-20s and NFTs through a single router and enable trading of all items within game economies.

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Diverse LP rewards

Issue NFTs, ERC20s, or both as liquidity incentives to your pool.

Automated royalties

Magicswap pools utilize a three-tiered royalty system that includes fees for LPs, project creators, and the protocol.

Cheaper trading

Create ERC-721 collections that can be bought from the pool in any quantity with only one transaction cost.

$MAGIC and Fee Structure

Magicswap utilizes $MAGIC as the governance and fee token. The protocol collects a 0.3% baseline fee for transactions that can be overridden by pool. Additional fees may be set by the pool creator and collected for projects and liquidity providers.

Start trading today

Explore our pools to trade your NFTs, tokens, and game assets!